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Du bist eher ein auditiver Mensch?
Dann findest du hier den passenden Podcast zum Thema “Ruf deiner Seele”

Could have, would have… Bicycle chain

We all know the feeling of regret: moments when we look back and think, „If only I had…“ This post invites you to reflect on the feeling of regret and discover how you can courageously seize opportunities when they come. I share a personal story and valuable impulses on how you can live life in the here and now and release regret into the past.

A missed opportunity and its lesson

When I was in sixth grade, my family moved to a small town. The transition from the city to the countryside was challenging for me, but the new children welcomed me warmly. One of these new friends even asked me if I would like to „go“ with him. Confused by this unknown question, I asked for time to think, and that was the end of the topic for him. This moment opened up years of dislike and teasing (to put it politely). A pattern that ran through my teenage years. Luckily, I decided then, otherwise I might not be Canada today. But for a long time I saw it as a missed opportunity. „What if…?“ Today I see that every missed opportunity brings us a lesson.

Guilt and regret: energies that hold us back

We all experience moments when we wonder how life would have been different if we had made certain decisions differently. Such feelings are normal, but guilt and regret are energies that keep us stuck in the past. Instead, we can use these experiences to be bolder in the present and seize opportunities when they present themselves. Because opportunities are ways to make our soul shine.

The courage to listen to the soul and seize opportunities

When an opportunity presents itself, it is often synchronicity – a sign of the universe. Ask yourself, „What does my soul long for?“ Do you feel a clear „yes“? Then grab it before the ego or the mind begins to doubt. Use Mel Robbins‘ 5-second rule: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and make your decision. This activation energy makes you act more courageously and protects you from the burdensome energies of guilt and shame.

Was tun, wenn die Angst kommt?

Selbst wenn du die Chance ergriffen hast, kann die Angst plötzlich in dir aufsteigen. Das ist ganz normal und ein Schutzmechanismus deines Verstandes. Um diesen Stress abzubauen, hilft es, in Bewegung zu kommen – geh spazieren, laufe oder tue, was dir gut tut. Wenn dein Körper zur Ruhe kommt, klären sich oft auch deine Gedanken, und du kannst mit einem klaren Kopf den nächsten Schritt angehen.

Du bist eher ein auditiver Mensch?
Dann findest du hier den passenden Podcast zum Thema “Ruf deiner Seele”

Nutze die Chance auf den Alignment Summit

Wenn du mutig deine Bestimmung leben möchtest, dann lade ich dich ein, beim Alignment Summit 2025 dabei zu sein! Für Frühbucher gibt es noch bis nächste Woche Sonntag (3.11.) den Early Bird Preis, bei dem du 222 Euro pro Ticket sparst.

Hier findest du mehr Infos zum Summit:

Die Entscheidung liegt bei dir – spür in dich hinein und erkenne, ob sich ein klares „Ja“ zeigt. Falls du die Details lieber hören möchtest, findest du eine aktuelle Podcast-Episode zu diesem Thema.
Link Podcast

Liebe von Seele zu Seele,
deine Annie